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Electronic sports (eSports) is a growing industry and one of the most popular video games pl


Electronic sports (eSports) is a growing industry and one of the most popular video games played competitively is League of Legends (LoL). As the demand for talented players and staff increases, many organizations are in search of new talents and expertise. Currently, the LoL eSports industry has an abundance of opportunities in management, coaching, analysis, and playing positions. This article will highlight the current recruitment drives of LoL eSports organizations and the different positions available.

Team Management Recruitment

LoL eSports teams require management staff to organize, strategize, and plan schedules and competitions. These management staff positions consist of managers, coaches, and analysts. Managers oversee and organize team schedules and competitions. Coaches guide players and ensure they perform at their best level. Analysts utilize data analysis to provide insights on how to better the team’s strategies.

Player Recruitment

LoL eSports teams are in search of skilled and determined players who can compete at the highest level. These players must have good in-game mechanics, be able to work well in a team environment, and have the ability to adapt to different situations. Teams can also recruit players who specialize in specific positions, such as mid-laner, support, or jungle.


Organizations seeking talents in LoL eSports require applicants to have experience in the industry, and most positions require a minimum of three years of experience in similar roles. Most organizations also require applicants to have a bachelor’s degree in esports management or a related field. Additionally, applicants must possess in-depth knowledge of LoL and have the ability to analyze gameplay.

Training and Development

Most LoL eSports organizations provide training and development programs for their staff and players to ensure they are up-to-date with the latest trends and strategies in the industry. This is because the industry is ever-changing, and it is essential to keep up with the competition. Organizations also provide continuous training to allow both staff and players to develop new skills and continuously improve their abilities.


LoL eSports is a growing industry, and currently, there is a high demand for staff and players in different positions. Whether as a manager, coach, analyst, or player, applicants must possess in-depth knowledge and experience in the industry. Organizations require talent with the ability to analyze gameplay, adapt to changes and have great teamwork skills. For anyone interested in pursuing a career in LoL eSports, understanding the requirements, and developing the necessary skills is essential.

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