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Electronic sports, also known as e-sports, is a form of competitive gaming that has become i


Electronic sports, also known as e-sports, is a form of competitive gaming that has become increasingly popular in recent years. One of the most popular games in the e-sports world is League of Legends. Many gamers aspire to become professional e-sports players, and having a certification as an e-sports player can help them achieve their goal. In this article, we will be discussing how to obtain a League of Legends e-sports certification.

Step 1: Build Your Skills

To become a certified League of Legends e-sports player, the first step is to build your skills in the game. You need to invest time and effort into learning the game and mastering its mechanics. The more you play, the better you become, and the higher your chances of becoming a professional e-sports player. Join online communities, participate in forums, and follow popular streamers and pro players to learn more about the game and improve your skills.

Step 2: Participate in Tournaments

The next step is to start participating in tournaments. Participating in tournaments helps you gain experience, build a reputation in the community, and improve your chances of being noticed by professional teams. There are plenty of online and local tournaments that you can participate in, so make sure to keep an eye out for them. You can also check out websites such as Battlefy, Toornament, and Smash.gg to find tournaments to participate in.

Step 3: Join a Team

Joining a team is an important step in becoming a professional e-sports player. Being part of a team helps you build your skills, gain experience and exposure, and develop your understanding of team dynamics. You can join a team by participating in tournaments and being noticed by team managers, or you can search for teams that are looking for new players. Websites such as Teamfind and Gamer Sensei can help you find teams to join.

Step 4: Obtain a League of Legends E-sports Certification

The final step in becoming a certified League of Legends e-sports player is to obtain a certification. The League of Legends Championship Series (LCS) offers a certification program for e-sports players. To obtain the certification, you need to meet certain requirements, such as being a resident of North America, having a high rank in the game, and having a certain level of in-game experience. You also need to submit an application and go through a review process. Once you pass the review process, you will receive the LCS e-sports certification.


Obtaining a League of Legends e-sports certification requires a combination of dedication, practice, and perseverance. It is a challenging road, but it can lead to a rewarding career as a professional e-sports player. By following the steps discussed in this article, you can increase your chances of obtaining the certification and achieving your dream of becoming a professional e-sports player.

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