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League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) that has made a significant im


League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) that has made a significant impact on the world of gaming and esports. Since its release in 2009, it has become one of the most popular games on the planet, with millions of enthusiastic players and fans creating a thriving community. The game's success has also pushed it to the forefront of the esports scene, with League of Legends being recognized as one of the most competitive and highest-earning games in the world.

Global Rankings

The League of Legends competitive scene is divided into several regional leagues, with teams competing to qualify for the annual World Championship. The world championship is the pinnacle of League of Legends' competitive scene, with millions of dollars in prize money and millions of viewers tuning in to watch the best teams compete. Each region has its own league, with North America, Europe, China, Korea, and other regions hosting their own competitions.

Among all regions, the Korean League has dominated the competitive landscape, with its teams regularly finishing in the top ranks of international competitions. Korean teams have won every League of Legends World Championship since 2013, with teams like SK Telecom T1, Samsung Galaxy, and Gen.G being perennial favorites. In comparison, North America's performance in international competitions has been relatively poor, with only two regional teams making it to the quarterfinals of the World Championship in the past five years.

Player Rankings

League of Legends has a vast roster of champions, each with their own unique abilities and playstyles. Similarly, the player rankings in League of Legends are incredibly diverse, with the game featuring thousands of high-level players across different regions and skill levels.

One of the world's most renowned players, Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok, has been a dominant force in the Korean League and the global competitive scene for years. As a professional player for over a decade, Faker has won numerous accolades, including three World Championships, eight domestic Korean League titles, and being inducted into the Esports Hall of Fame.

In North America, players like Yiliang "Doublelift" Peng and Zachary "Sneaky" Scuderi have earned their place among the top players in the region, with professional careers spanning over ten years. These players have won multiple domestic titles and competed in numerous international competitions.

Importance of Rankings

Rankings play a crucial role in League of Legends' competitive scene, with teams and players striving to improve their rank and compete in higher tiers of competition. With millions of players competing worldwide, achieving a high rank and recognition can help players secure sponsorships, higher salaries, and career opportunities within the esports industry.

For teams, higher rankings lead to better seeding opportunities in tournaments and increase their chances of securing prize money and endorsements. The importance of rankings has also prompted the introduction of new features in the game, such as the League of Legends Honor System, where players can earn recognition for good sportsmanship and become eligible for special rewards.


The League of Legends competitive scene continues to thrive, with millions of fans tuning in to watch the best teams and players compete. While the Korean League continues to dominate globally, its success has spurred other regions to improve and compete at a higher level. With the introduction of new features and a growing player base, the importance of rankings will only continue to increase in the future.

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