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As the popularity of League of Legends (LoL) continues to soar around the world, the demand


As the popularity of League of Legends (LoL) continues to soar around the world, the demand for skilled and knowledgeable esports managers has risen substantially. One of the key roles of an esports manager is to develop and implement effective strategies for their teams to succeed in competitions. In this article, we will focus on the unique challenges and strategies of managing an LoL team's bottom lane.

The Importance of Bottom Lane

The bottom lane of an LoL team comprised of an ADC (attack damage carry) and a support player is arguably the most critical area in the game. This duo lane carries the responsibility of farming minions, securing objectives, and protecting the team's carry player. Therefore, the team's overall performance heavily relies on their ADC and support players' ability to work together cohesively and execute their strategies effectively.

Scouting The Opponent's Bottom Lane

As an esports manager, it's critically important to scout the opposing team's ADC and support players before a match. By studying their playstyles, preferred champions, and overall tendencies, you can create targeted strategies and bans for the draft phase of the game. Good scouting can also reveal information about weaknesses in the opposing duo's teamwork that your team can exploit.

Draft Phase

The draft phase is where the manager's knowledge and experience is put to the test. Based on the scouting report, the manager must collaboratively work with the team's coach and players to choose champions that complement each other and have a high probability of success. The goal is to pick champions that enable the ADC and support duo to play their strengths and exploit the opposing team's weaknesses. It is also essential to consider potential counterpicks from the opposing team and have backup plans.

Early Game Strategy

The early game stage is all about securing objectives, with priority given to the dragon and herald. The bottom lane's role is crucial here, as they need to establish dominance in the lane and prevent the opposing duo from securing these objectives. The manager should develop strategies that enable their team to take early objectives, such as ganking bottom lane with the jungler, or rotating to top lane to secure the rift herald.

Mid Game Strategy

Mid-game is where the team's coordination and strategy become more critical. The bottom lane should continue to pressure the opposing team's tower while also rotating around the map to assist other lanes in securing objectives. The manager needs to develop strategies that enable the ADC and support duo to win team fights, such as positioning, peeling, and initiating. Good communication and a strategic understanding of objectives can enable the bottom line to dominate the mid-game.

Late Game Strategy

The late game stage is where the bottom lane's ability to carry is crucial. The ADC and support duo need to stay alive and deal as much damage as possible in team fights, while also taking out key enemy targets. The manager should develop strategies that enable their team to survive the enemy team's flanks and prevent the opposing duo from assassinating the carry player. Warding and vision control around objectives like Baron and Elder Dragon, and strong positioning during team fights, can help secure victory in the late game.


Being an effective LoL esports manager requires in-depth knowledge and experience in the game. The bottom lane, as a critical component of the game, demands careful attention to detail and strategic planning from the manager's perspective. By scouting the opponent's bottom lane, drafting the right champions and executing a comprehensive strategy across all stages of the game, the manager can help their team win in professional competitions.

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